Most architects serve their market areas well, and have good relationships within their own communities. However, every building type has different functional requirements that can sometimes be quite complicated. This is especially the case in the design of facilities for emergency first responders like Police and Fire stations, 911 Dispatch Centers, Justice Centers, and Emergency Operations Centers. This is where Redstone Architects can help.
Redstone Architects offers expertise on these project types to local architects throughout the United States & Canada. We work in a team environment where Redstone Architects provides the upfront expertise to determine the project requirements and set the initial design parameters. The local architect provides many of the more typical detailed construction documents, interfaces with local engineering consultants, and works with local governmental agencies throughout the design and construction process.
Below is a list of some local architects we have partnered with on recent projects:
ADG Architects, Oklahoma City, OK
Chiodini Architects, St. Louis, MO
Godshall Kane O’Rourke Architects, Ambler, PA
WTA Architects, Saginaw, MI
SMHa Architects, Mt. Pleasant, SC
Bergmann Architects, Charlotte, NC
Troy D. Rhodes Company, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK
Progressive AE, Grand Rapids, MI
SFS – Kansas City, MO
Infusion Architects, Windsor, CO
MSA, Sauk Prarie, WI
HGA, Minneapolis, MN
s2a3, Wilmington, NC
OPN, Des Moines, IA