Fire Station No.1, Monroe, MI - Redstone Architects Inc.

Fire Station No.1, Monroe, MI

Fire Station No. 1
Fire Station No.1, Monroe, MI


  • LOCATION Monroe, MI
  • SERVICES Full Architectural Services
  • SIZE 15,426 s.f.

project description

Size: 15,560sf

Scope: Programming & Full Design Services

 Estimated Project Cost: $6,350,000, including soft costs and Land

 Construction Cost (Bid):  $5,276,600

 Location: Monroe, Michigan

 Est. Completion Date: Fall 2019

 Final Completion Date: September 2019

 Client Contact: Robert Wight, Fire Chief (734) 564-9388


Redstone Architects was engaged by the City of Monroe to identify the space needs for the City’s new, Public Safety Department. Redstone had previously prepared a Needs Assessment for replacement of the Central Fire Station. (In 2010 the City moved towards a Public Safety Department and began to cross-train its police officers) The City’s Police Department is currently housed in the County Law Enforcement Center.

In late 2014, Redstone began Schematic Design for the first phase of the new facility that will house fire operations only. In November 2015 voters approved a bond issue for this project. In 2017 the Project was relocated to a different site and Schematic Design Phase was completed. At this point the City was confronted with a major tax revenue reduction, resulting in the elimination of almost $1,000,000 from the project budget. Scope was reduced and the reduced design continued. Ground breaking was held on September 5, 2018. Substantial completion of the building was September 5, 2019.


Additional Client Contacts: Vincent D. Pastue, City Manager

(734) 384-9144

Patrick Lewis, P.E., DPW Director

(734) 384-9124
