Police Department, Battle Creek, MI - Redstone Architects Inc.

Police Department, Battle Creek, MI

Police Headquarters
Police Department, Battle Creek, MI


  • LOCATION Battle Creek, MI
  • SERVICES Full Architectural Services
  • SIZE 46,000 s.f.

project description

Redstone Scope of Services: Full Architectural Services
Project Size: 46,000sf
Construction Budget: $11,200,000
Final Construction Cost: N/A
Completion Date: Estimated Summer 2018
The team of Redstone Architects and Architecture + design, Inc. was chosen to develop a Space Needs Analysis and phasing plan to allow the City of Battle Creek to plan for a new Police Headquarters Building. The Department is currently housed in a 1970’s facility that is inadequate, as well as having support systems that are obsolete.

The analysis determined that a new facility, to be built across the street from the current headquarters, would be the most cost-effective solution. The new 46,000sf, two-story facility is more than double the size of the current facility. By planning for a new facility, all police operations will remain intact while the new facility is constructed. The site is designed to provide secure parking facilities for the department, and a well-defined and welcoming public entry.

Redstone Architects is the Architect of Record for the new facility and worked with Schweitzer Construction, Inc., the Design Builder. The project was dedicated in Summer 2018.
