White Lake Township, MI Public Safety Facility - Redstone Architects Inc.

White Lake Township, MI Public Safety Facility

Public Safety Facility
White Lake Township, MI Public Safety Facility


  • LOCATION White Lake, MI
  • SERVICES Space Needs Assessment & Conceptual Design
  • SIZE 45,000 s.f.

project description

Redstone Scope of Services: Space Needs Assessment & Conceptual Design

Study Completed: 2020

Estimated Cost: $18-20,000,000

Project Size: 45,000sf

Redstone Architects was engaged by White Lake Township, MI., to develop a new Public Safety building on the Townships new Civic Center site.

The study included developing a space needs assessment, creating block and conceptual plans and elevations, conceptual site diagrams, assisting with cost estimating, and coordinating the building with other developments on site.

The new facility will include Administrative suites for Police and Fire Departments, as well as 24/7 facilities for fire operations. The design includes Hot-Warm-Cold Zone separations to minimize fire fighter exposure to carcinogens.
