Update: Ribbon Cutting at Battle Creek PD Headquarters

Update: Ribbon Cutting at Battle Creek PD Headquarters

by Rachel Hackett

On Wednesday, August 8th, 2018, the Battle Creek Police Department hosted an official ribbon cutting ceremony for their new headquarters. Police Chief Jim Blocker, Mayor Mark Behnke, State Senator Mike Nofs, as well as other elected officials and community leaders attended. Many police officers and their families enjoyed the ceremony as well. After the ceremony, the attendees were invited to tour the building. Those who work in the building were excited to begin moving in. Office workers will begin setting up their work areas on Monday and Tuesday next week.

Chief Blocker speaking
Chief Blocker speaking to the crowd (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)

The new building replaces the police department’s old headquarters across the street at 20 N. Division St., which opened in 1971.

Here are some links to articles about the event:




Some photos from the event:

Daniel Redstone and Mike Nofs
Daniel Redstone and Senator Mike Nofs (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)
Mayor Mark Behnke
Mayor Mark Behnke speaks to the crowd (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)
Marshall officers
Some officers from Marshall, MI and Michigan State Police in attendance. (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)


Redstone Architects team
The Redstone Architects team
ribbon cutting
The ribbon cutting (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)
break room
An interior shot of the new break room (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)
conference room
An interior shot of the conference room (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)
recrods room
An interior shot of the records room (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)
locker room
The locker room (Photo credit to Teffera Kowalske)
The new entryway (Photo credit to Peggy Matta)
outdoor seatiing
Outdoor seating on the patio, just outside the breakroom (Photo credit to Peggy Matta)
An interior shot (Photo credit to Peggy Matta)